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    Health and rural tourism are planned to be developed in Zhambyl region

    TARAZ. KAZINFORM – In Zhambyl region, it is also possible to develop such types of tourism as historical, cultural, archaeological, environmental, children's and youth, medical and wellness and extreme. This was announced by the head of the regional tourism department Birzhan Kuzembekov, the correspondent of MIA Kazinform reports.
    At a meeting of the investment headquarters in Taraz with the participation of Akim of Zhambyl region Nurzhan Nurzhigitov, they discussed attracting investments into the region's economy.

    The head of the regional tourism department Birzhan Kuzembekov said that Zhambyl region ranks second in the republican rating on attracting investments in the tourism industry compiled by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    "We have to look for investors ourselves, offer them projects, because we know the potential of our region. We know what opportunities and conditions exist. Each investment project should be under special control of both heads of departments and akims of districts," Nurzhan Nurzhigitov said.

    Birzhan Kuzembekov reported on the events planned for 2023 to attract tourists to the region.

    In Zhambyl region, it is possible to develop such types of tourism as historical and cultural, archaeological, ecological (hunting, fishing, agrotourism), children's and youth, medical and wellness, extreme.

    According to many representatives of the domestic tourism industry, no other region of Kazakhstan is endowed so generously with historical and archaeological monuments as Zhambyl region, which also has a full set of natural climatic zones - from sandy deserts with dunes to alpine meadows with various grasses and ending with snowy peaks. All this can be bypassed by motor transport in a few hours.

    Tourists are also attracted by the picturesque Karasai, Tamdysai and Bota Mainak tracts with petroglyphs, as well as rock carvings of the Maimak tract in the Zhualy district.

    There are seven specially protected natural territories in Zhambyl region, their total area is more than three million hectares. Natural territories have been created to protect biological resources - plants and animals listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These are five state nature reserves, part of the Zhusandala State Protected Area and part of the Aksu-Zhabagly State Nature Reserve. Not so long ago, the local nature reserve "Merke" was created.

    Kulans, argali, common bustard, strepet, jack beauty, brown bears, lynx, snow leopard and others live in nature reserves on the territory of Zhambyl region (17 species in total). Rare and endangered animals are being accounted for. There are more than 30 species of rare plants - Berkarinsky poplar, several types of tulips, turanga, sivers apple tree and others. All these animals and plants are listed in the Red Book and are under state protection.

    In the future, local authorities plan to develop health and rural tourism, which is so popular today in many European countries.

    Date: 05.04.24
    Views: 21

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